Thursday, April 9, 2015

Time to head north

Superstition Mountains

Can't believe we have been here 6 months already.  But it is April and time to close up the house, restock the RV and head north to see the grandkids.

Living in Arizona has been an adjustment when it comes to the seasons.  There seems to be only two, spring and summer. Winter comes in January for a week or two, so it's hard to count that.   What is most disconcerting to me is to see leaves fall off the trees in January, and everything back in bloom the next month.  February also bring the ripening of citrus fruits, which are available on the trees through March.  We have a lemon tree and some of the lemons we picked were as big as navel oranges and grapefruits.

In March, the orange tress bloom and the air is filled with the sweetest smell for a couple of weeks.  March also sees the cactuses start to bloom, and they are spectacular.
There is one thing I did not count on and that is allergies.  I have never before suffered from them, but this month with so much in bloom, my eyes are watering, I'm sneezing and my sinuses are plugged!  Can't wait to drive north and see if things clear up.

Block party
Playing Bocce Ball
The five months we've spent here in the house have been fun.  We have met our neighbors, gotten involved with a couple of groups (Bocce Ball and exercise classes), have seen some fun entertainment, and had some good times with my brother and sister-in-law and friends.

Musical Instrument
Botanical Gardens
While here we have been active, joining the Phoenix Desert Botanical Gardens, visiting the Musical Instrument Museum, The Museum of Flames, taking hikes and long drives with Deane taking lots of pictures with his new camera

Museum of Flames - Fire truck museum

One trip we did make was to Algodonnes, Mexico, just over the border from Yuma, Az.  We had heard many stories about getting dental work done, new glasses and even plastic surgery.  Never did we hear a bad story.  Since I needed new glasses, we took our prescriptions to Mexico and I now too, have a positive story to tell about the services there.  My glasses cost me half of what I was quoted in the States, with a higher quality of lenses, and they were done in 3 hours.

Xmas 2014
In December, our guest room was christened by Deane's daughter D'enne, hubby Mike and grandson Matthew, who came for Christmas.   A busy week, we all accompanied Matthew to a play at the Children's Theater, and had Christmas dinner with Mike's parents Cheri and Mike at his sister home.

In February, good friends surprised Deane with a 70th birthday.

Blowing out the candles!

Happy Birthday Deane

Karen, getting the hang of the Segway

March brought Karen, Deane's sister from California for a visit.  Was a fast and furious three days, with a tour of Old Scottsdale on a Segway, tour of an old ghost town, and lots of food and wine. 

Karen and Deane

Closing up the house for 6 months is a little more complicated than just locking the door and walking out.  We have followed the suggestions of others who are seasonal, and have hired a 'house sitter' and a gardener.  The house sitter will make bi-monthly visits to the house, flush the toilets, turn on all the faucets to make sure we have not sprung any type of a leak, refresh the containers of water left in the house to provide some humidity, and make sure the A/C is still working.  The gardener comes every other month, prunes all of the trees and bushes back to being pretty, checks the sprinkler system and generally makes sure the landscaping meets the requirements of the community.

We are starting to settle in here, but both of us are anxious to get back on the road.  We miss traveling and look forward to seeing our kids and grandkids.

First stop for us will be an Alpha RV Rally in Casa Grande, Az, about an hour south of Mesa.  Will be there for a week, before we head north.

We are scheduled to be in Idaho May 1st  thru end of June, where we will be volunteering at Farragut State Park, just north of Couer d'Alene.  We picked this area so we could be close to grandkids Alex and Austin.

Stay tuned.....will be posting more as we head north.