Thursday, August 26, 2010

The final days at Cape D

Hard to believe we will be leaving here next Tuesday, but truth be known, we are both looking forward to moving on.  While we have been here these last two months the weather has continued to be quite dismall, a most unusual summer. 

We did manage to enjoy ourselves this month with visits from friends and grandkids.  Our first visit was from Jane and Stan, who came up for the day to hear one of the Parks concerts.  We ended up taking a 1.5 mile hike to the south lighthouse and then having dinner in the RV.

Our next visit was from our two younger grandsons, Joshua and Matthew.  It was a long busy weekend where the boys played on the beach,  flew kites, and accumulated prize tickets in the long beach arcade. Both boys were great and we had a wonderful time.

Our next visitor was a friend of mine, Karen Kelly, who came up for a weekend to  participate in the Seafood/Oyster Blues and Jazz festivals with us.  While we were at the blues festival Saturday night, we walked along the habor and saw something locals say they have never seen.  About a dozen herring jumping out of the water, some of which landed on the pier....did not take the seagulls long to start screaming "sushi".

The following weekend the weather actually turned warm, and we had the two older grandson Jonathan and Jayden come stay with us.  We had great fun during Kite Week here in Long Beach.  We all saw all of the kite flyers, indoor kite flying competition, lighted night flying kites and the fireworks.  The boys rode horses on the beach, go carts, rode their bikes in the park, climbed McKinzie Head as well as the tall rocks to get cell service.  They also accumulated prize tickets at the arcade where Jayden was a whiz at Deal or No Deal.
We all tried to take a bicycle ride, but I had a mishap and spent 2 hours in the emergency room getting stitches in my arm.

The weather for August continued from July....gray, overcast and sometimes downright cold.  The last two weeks tho, have managed to be mostly sunny and more like summer, at least for 4 days in a row. But then the temps inland rose again and we were back to being in a fog cloud and misty.

One of the benefits of hosting is you get to meet some great people doing the same thing.  There are about 10 other couples here either hosting like us, or  doing  interpretive work at the lighthouses or Fort Columbia.  We all get together once a week for a happy hour and one night we taught everyone how to play farkle and Chicken foot dominoes.

Hosting here has been quite an adventure; we were either busy trying to get people not to take drift wood from the beach, put their dogs on leases or have them quiet down after 10pm.   Or, the campers were well mannered,  their dogs on leases and were quiet and respectful of other campers. 

But it is time to go and get back into the world of cell service and the internet.  We will see Steph and Mike and the kids for 3 days, up to my sisters in Duvall for 3 days and finally to Spokane to see Joe and Alex for 2 weeks before we start heading south for the winter.