Friday, January 8, 2010

We are in Napa California

We have only been gone 5 days and it feels like so much longer.  You really do lose track of time traveling like this.  It has been a fun filled 5 days with lots happening.

One of the major highlights is that I finally drove the RV, from Red Bluff to Napa and got us here safe!  Driving the RV is not so hard, but making sure the little red car is still following me was nerve racking.  We have a camera on the back that projects to a screen on the console to see what is behind you.  That becomes your rear view mirror, and it took some getting used to.  My mantra became 'Stay between the white lines'.  We are considered a truck here in California, and can only travel at 55mph instead of the posted 70mph  for cars.

In Redding the weather was sunny and warm and we toured Shasta Dam and then the Sundial Bridge.  To take the free tour at the dam, we went through a security check that was as strict as getting on a plane.  We were not allowed to take bags of any kind, even our cell phone and camera bags were to be left behind.  Plus we had to turn our camera's and cell phones on, and  had to go through a metal scanner just like at the airports.  But the tour was fun and some interesting facts are:  the dam is 600 ft tall, there are 365 miles of shoreline around Lake Shasta and there are 5 generators to produce electricty which is then sent to the southern California area along with most of the water they release from the dam.  Needless to say northern Calfornians don't have warm feelings about southern California.

The Sundial Bridge is quite remarkable, the walking area is made of frosted glass and is really pretty at night when it is lit up.   and the large sundial does show you the time on sunny days.

We arrived in Napa on Wednesday with the knowledge the breaklights on our car were not working. We got it to a dealer and were told the multifunction switch needs replaced $$$.   Weather here is a little like Portland today, overcast and a light rain is falling.  So good day to have the car in the shop while we catch up with laundry and correspondence.

We had dinner with a friend of Deane's last night, John and Sandra Collister.   The plan for the rest of our stay here in Napa  is to head to Concord one day, where I grew up, look around and visit my cousin, spend a full day in the wine country (so many wineries, so little time) and maybe head to San Francisco one day.

We leave here next Wednesday the 13th and head further south to Palm Springs to visit friends and hopefully find some real warmth.