Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From Oregon to Washington

Today is July 2nd and we are now at Cape Disappointment here in Washington state. We arrived yesterday to a very dull, gray, rainy and windy day. Not a good way to start this gig.

We left Honeyman last Tuesday, a couple of days early to head back to Portland and see D’enne and family and get a few personal errands done.

We truly enjoyed our stay at Honeyman as we met some great people with whom we exchanged information  and will stay in touch, as we will all end up in Arizona this fall/winter. The hosts got together each Friday night for game night, and we had pot luck dinners once a month. Great way to get to know everyone.

Our duties at Honeyman were light maintenance and some of the things we were assigned to do were getting the closed camp sites ready for campers, painted and stained the wood benches in the showers throughout the park, sanded and painted electrical panels that were in dire need of help before they rusted through. And sold firewood on the weekends.

Along with our responsibilities, we were able to get out a lot and tour the central and south coast of Oregon. We visited a number of the 14 freshwater lakes that are in the area, found a great bakery in Winchester called The Sourdough Bakery, ate great fresh oysters from Winchester and I learned to fish. The park had a great little lake called Cleawok, and the Fish and Game department stocks it with some nice trout. So we bought a license, a pole and rod and off we went. I caught two 12” fish the first day and one more the next.  Joe and Irene came over for dinner with their two trout the next day for a fish fry. We prepared the trout with lemon and orange slices, green onions and butter inside, salt and peppered the inside and outside then wrapped them individually in aluminum foil. Deane made a fire in the fire pit and burned the wood down to coals, and we tossed the fish packs into the coals for about 15 minutes….. Oh goodness they were good!

But now we are at Cape Disappointment and this will be different from Oregon. We are in a host site which means we are meet and greet hosts. We have a meeting on Friday to find out what our actual duties will be…. More later…