Monday, May 23, 2011

Champoeg State Park

Hard to believe we have been here a month already, time is going by so fast.  We have settled in to our site which is not in the park, but about 1/2 mile from it.  We sit up on a knoll overlooking the park and the Willamette valley.  We have a very large blackberry bush on our left side, (about 100' long and 20' high) that is home to brown bunnies, quail, and squirrels that come out to play and eat all around us.  Did you know rabbits like the leaves of the blackberry bush?  All of the branches that reach the ground are stripped clean by them and they keep the grass area mowed for about 3' from the bush.  They stay close in for fear of those birds of prey that are so prevalent out here.  We have also hung our bird feeders, and are thoroughly enjoying the hummingbirds, bluebirds, sparrows, finches, and more that we have not identified yet.

Our responsibility at this park is in the Visitors Center, which has turned out to be a good thing when the weather does its normal spring thing here.  I am focused on the little gift shop, selling passes to the park system as well as anything from the store.  Also answer questions about the park (I'm getting pretty good at giving out factual information instead of something I guessed at).   Deane's responsibilities run from putting up and taking down the flag, to vacuuming the museum and auditorium, making the coffee we set out for visitors and working outside around and in the Heritage garden they have.  He also shows videos in the auditorium for anyone who wants to see them.  Deane works harder than me..... if it is not a busy day, I sit and read a book.  :-)

Our schedule here is one of the best we have had yet.  In May we worked 3 days on one week and got 4 days off.  Next week we would work 4 days on and get 3 days off.  Our days are either 5 or 7 hours, depending if we are working a weekend or a weekday.  In June, the schedule changes and we will work two 9 hour days in a row, then have 4 off.  With this schedule, it has been nice to be able to spend lots of time reconnecting with our good friends and spending a lot of time with D'enne, Michael and grandson Matthew. 

Last weekend in May is Memorial Day, and most of the Willamette Valley wineries open their doors for three days.  Great way to spend one or all three days tasting wines you have not tasted before.  Deane opted Saturday to go swimming with Matthew while I  spent the day with friends Chris and Cindy tasting new wines.  We finished the day with Deane having dinner at the Butteville Store, the oldest operating general store in Oregon where they do Saturday family style dinner with live bluegrass music.  Great fun!!!!
We have just one more month here, we leave the end of June and will head up to Washington where we will be close to Steph and her family.